Monday, February 7, 2011


You get up and all is fine and dandy and then one of the kids is in a bad mood which spreads like wild fire through the entire family and your perfectly awesome mood does a 180 and now you deeply pity whoever dares cross you in the next 20 mins.  So from bad mood to seeing that the dog has relieved its self right in the middle of the dining room, the kids are fighting, you are yelling, the toast is burning, the phone keeps ringing, not to mention that the husband has gone to work really early so he always misses this bonding morning ritual and then has the guts to call you a liar only to find out the very next day that you are after all right!!! Finally you get everyone in the proper clothes for the day, get them out the door, into the car and you're driving down the road and all you can hear in the back seat is laughter and giggles and when you pull up at the lights you turn to see smiles.  It feels like a huge wave of mixed emotions. You want to cry, scream, yell, rant and rave but in the end you end up laughing so much that you cry and the kids give you this look of she's lost the plot.

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